Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Driftless Area: Dec. 2-4, 2011

I got the opportunity to go trout fishing in Northeastern Iowa in an area called the "driftless area."

This area is incredible.  I hope I get to go back sometime when I have more time to explore. I don't think I can do it justice with a write-up.  So I'll just say that the trout were wild and tough to catch (but we managed a few) and post the few pictures I took.  I wish I had taken more pictures because this area is fantastic--unfortunately I only managed a few pictures.

Day 1: North and South Bear

(Highlandville general store--across the street is the South Bear Creek)

(North Bear Creek entrance)

(North Bear Creek)

(North Bear Rainbow (part 1 of trifecta))

Day 2: French Creek and Waterloo Creek

(Waterloo Creek Brown trout (Part 2 of trifecta))

Day 3: Trout Run Creek
(Trout Run entrance)

(Trout Run Creek Brook Trout (part 3 of trifecta))