Thursday, August 18, 2011

Another Reason to like Andy Schleck

Great story about Andy Schleck.  I think its pretty cool that he opted to lead a local, amateur ride in Steamboat his preparation for the Tour of Colorado includes fly fishing. 

I already was a Schleck fan--now I'm a much bigger fan.  Seems like a pretty nice guy. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Crane Creek- 8/6-8/7

I was able to fish Crane Creek Saturday and Sunday morning last week.  This creek is a gem.  

Temperatures were HOT--upper 90's both days by noon.  The Creek was gin clear and average flow both days despite a short shower Saturday night.  Even though it was hot, the trout were fairly active.  There were only a few rises but lots of activity that was visible.  On every single hole that looked good, if I didn't catch a fish I would spook a few small ones on the way out.  I saw more fish this weekend then ever before at Crane including a few that would easily go 18-20 inches.

I fished the upper part of the Creek both days.  No particular fly seemed to be working well but a caddis emerger pattern was what worked best.  I caught 4-6 and had just as many takes that I didn't land Saturday morning, including one that was probably 12-14 inches, which is pretty nice for a creek this size.  Even the small fish fight like they're bigger though.  Sunday I didn't do quite as well but still landed three and had a couple on that were lost. 

This stream humbles you and teaches you a thing or two.  Here are the major lessons learned from this trip:
  • with spooky trout in clear water under blue skies, approaching the holes from downstream is critical. 
  • previewing the creek on your way downstream is the best way to fish the holes
  • I need to work on getting my fly to the front of the hole on the first few attempts to have a chance at catching a 15+ inch trout in a stream like Crane.  I've been working the holes back to front and pulling out smaller guys but probably spooking the larger trout that occupy the primo spots at the head of a seam.  Although I had multiple takes from the same hole, after catching a fish out of a hole I don't think I ever had a take afterwards.
  •  I NEED A SMALLER ROD.  I had way to much rod for such a small creek.