Sunday, February 13, 2011

We're having a heatwave, A tropical heat wave

The dirty, dirty bastard that is winter is finally begining to relent.  We're having a heatwave.  Even Walter Matthau agrees. 

In order to celebrate, I double-dipped with some fly fishing and cycling--though in all honesty, the fishing was planned long before I knew the weather would be decent.

Saturday I went fly fishing.  I was hoping to get in a float on the Niangua, however, the backroads were still snow covered.  So, instead, I made my second trip to Bennett in the last month.  It didn't disappoint.  Once again, fish were rising everywhere from about 11am-noon.  Once again, a high vis parachute BWO was the fly of choice.  Once the top water action slowed, I went back to a nymphing rig that I fished deep under an indicator.  This proved to be a wise descision.  The trout gods decided to smile upon me.  I'm not sure if it was because I took a "newbie" out for his first fly fishing trip or if it was just dumb luck.  Whatever the reason, I landed the 19 inch brown below on a green sparkle dub caddis emerger fished as a dropper under a weighted nymph--my biggest trout to date.

Sunday afternoon the temps soared to a scorching 58 degrees according to my car thermometer.  I hit the road with 7 others and got in about two and a half hours of good, tempo road riding.  This time of the year those miles are money in the bank. 

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