Sunday, March 13, 2011

Springing Forward

Daylight savings time is here!  My heart is a-pitter-patter with excitement-- and I'm not the only person who feels this way evidently.  This is one of the most underrated days on the calendar.  If you disagree, you are simply wrong.  I feel sorry for Arizonans, not only do they have to constantly show their state issued ID's to prove they aren't illegals, but they'll also never know the joy of officially giving the finger to 5pm sunsets for another 9 months.  If you're keeping score, that's three embedded links in one paragraph--an "Off the Front" record.

In honor of the first unofficial day of spring (and not having to endure the embarrassment of proving I'm a naturalized citizen) I rode at Swope Park.  The trails were in great shape.

Unfortunately, I couldn't say the same for myself.  Its funny how on good days--when I'm dialed in--I'm focused on the trail, the next obstacle, spinning a good cadence, etc.  When I'm not on good form, my mind wanders, I feel weird aches and pains that usually don't bother me, and I feel like I'm pedaling in squares.  Today was weird.  For about a third of the ride I felt great and another third I felt pretty weak and another third indifferent.  Strangely, these "thirds" came in no particular order and for no particular rhyme or reason.  This was probably the result of a series of minor myocardial infarctions--you can't argue with science.

If not for the clear medical evidence pointing to the myocardial infarction, I probably would have blamed it on the after effects of this:  (hint: not the disembodied hands, though they have been known to cause trouble)

1 comment:

  1. Love the wandering mind... and the POINTLESS blog entry today- 1/3 :), 1/3:(, 1/3 indifferent. As for the not arguing with science comment- you might actually want to read the science article!! Its official you really are a woman! (since women are more likely to have an MI in the spring than men due to the day light savings)
    love you!
